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I use my background in microbial ecology, molecular biology, and bioinformatics to study host-microbiome interactions.
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Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine, UAMS
United States
Microbiome (Data) Science, Microbial Ecology, Host-Microbiome, Bioinformatics, Phylogenetics

1) BMIG 6202 - Foundations of the Human Microbiome (Microbiome Data Science)
2) BIOC 6102 - Special Topics in Applied Systems Biology
3) Various Microbiome Data Science & Analysis Workshops

I am a Microbiome scientist, that is, I use my skills in molecular biology, and bioinformatics, to investigate the microbial ecology of a wide variety of ecological and host systems (e.g. plant, animal, human) , and their interactions with one another (e.g. holobiome).

This research often requires that I be involved with the development and maintenance of bioinformatics tools, such as QIIME 2. I have also served as a bioinformatics consultant for several academic, national, and private-sector research laboratories that make use of shotgun metagenomics and amplicon sequencing data.